Monday, January 16, 2012

The Man Cave - Part 1

And the man cave (aka the hubby's office) got a much needed makeover.  2 months ago.  I know...kinda a bit late sharing the details.  Again.  Oh well.  It's good to keep expectations low.  That way I seem more impressive when I'm actually on time.

And since this "quick" makeover actually consumed several hours of my life and took a couple of weeks to complete...I'll share it in parts.  Ahhhh...the suspense!  I'm sooooo impressive like that!  Anyway...back to the man cave.  Most of the décor in there was black, metal, silver, chrome, glass and more black.  The stereotypical man space.  Blah.  And for some reason the furniture kept moving into weird clusters in the middle of the room.  Kinda like an airplane landing strip for furniture, all gravitating toward the TV.  And my clutzy self was injured on more than one occasion trying to navigate that obstacle course.  It was a horrible room.  So bad that there are no photos.  And I was well on my way to a broken toe or was only a matter of time.

Some of my comments to the hubby included:
" toe!  why ohhhh why would you put that chair there?!?!"
"seriously...this space works for you?  it can' must be confused."
"so you really can navigate this clusterf#@% of furniture and not get injured?  wow.  okay."
"how do you get anything done in here...the feng shui is sooooo wrong."

Therefore, something had to be done.  First on my list was curtains.  Thought I would start small in case I got bored and decided to quit and just pretend that the man cave didn't exist.  Finding curtains seemed like a simple enough task.  Boy...was I wrong!  So here's a rundown of the curtain saga...

Step 1:  Shop the stores for curtains.  No luck.
Step 2:  Shop for fabric to make my own curtains.  No luck.
Step 3:  Shop for a stencil to make my own patterned fabric.  No luck.
Step 4:  Make my own stencil to make my own fabric to make my own curtains with painters drop cloths and wall paint.

Needless to say...I've only gotten as far as sewing and hanging the painters drop cloth curtains.  I think I've given up on the stencil idea.  For now.

For curtain rods, I used bamboo poles from the garden section, spray painted 'em black, and hung the curtains with ring clips.  Suspended from the picture molding at the ceiling of course.  Very old brittle plaster walls don't really appreciate nails and screws.  

After hanging the curtains, I was still intrigued with changing the room.  So I started to ponder the dreaded furniture layout.  I really don't think it's a lot to ask to walk through a room without the furniture trying to trip me up.  I'll share that adventure next in The Man Cave - Part 2.  

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