Monday, April 15, 2013

The Twilight Saga: Geico Style

What's worse than finding a dead lizard in the house???  Finding out that my dead lizard...was not actually dead.  Ughhhhhhh!  

Recently I was moving some furniture and found a dead lizard amongst the dust bunnies.  So I went to find a broom and dust pan to dispose of said lizard.  Only to realize upon return that it had vanished!!!  Meaning:  I have a "dead" lizard running wild in the house!  Why 'o why must this stuff happen to me?!?!?!?!

(Whad'ya think?  That there would be a picture of the lizard??? comprende english???  I just told ya the deader-than-a-doornail reptile came back to life and didn't stick around for photos, interviews, or autographs.  Otherwise I'd totally be on Oprah right now.  Telling my story.  Making millions.)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cheese Puffs: At least they're gluten free!

Gluten free and made with real cheese.  So they must be healthy.
Just overlook whatever "ingredient" makes them florescent orange.
Better stock up on cheese puffs now 'cause there might be a shortage at Christmas time.  According to Honey Boo Boo...reindeer recognize food by color.  Really.  I've never heard that before.  But Honey Boo Boo says as long as it's orange...carrots, cheese puffs,'s all the same.  Wow.

Sometimes I wonder about my choices in TV shows.  However, this one has subtitles so it must be educational.  Nevermind the fact that it's a show featuring English speaking southerners airing in English speaking markets AND subtitles are still required to have any clue as to what they're sayin'!