Monday, November 28, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

Thanksgiving Day:  I am thankful that I am at the top of the food chain.  I bet there's a whole bunch of turkeys wishing they could say the same thing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

On Cloud 9

iCloud = iLove

Best.  Invention.  Ever.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Office Tetris

Time to rearrange the hubby's home office space (yet again!) in hopes of getting it right this time.  It just wasn't working for me.  Not sure why that matters exactly since it's not my office and I don't spend much time in there.  Nevertheless, I was set on changing it.  

However, despite my best planning efforts, it still required physically moving every spare piece of furniture around the room a million times.   So the whole concept of “creating” a room to scale on graph paper was completely useless and totally a waste of time!  Why I bother to follow expert advice…I do not know!!!  

The tried and true method:  carry random pieces of furniture up 2 flights of stairs from the basement (over and over and over again).  Then do the hokey pokey dance with all of it.  One piece in one piece out and spin it all around…  And then ya guessed it…carry most of it plus some back down 2 flights of stairs to the basement.  Fabulous.  My own personal stair master machine.  Except without the machine.  And using actual stairs.  Imagine that...exercise that doesn't require electricity.  Such a foreign concept!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Keeping Watch

Better keep an eye on that green one...if it moves...ATTACK!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Apparently, if I hit and kill a deer with my car, I have the right to take it home with me. Good to know. Of course I would totally need a truck that said "mudder fudder" first. Somehow...any other method of transport just wouldn't seem appropriate.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How (not) to open a box

I went to the basement to do some laundry and was greeted by this box of Tide.  

Hummmm....I've never encountered a box of laundry detergent opened quite like this before.  

Maybe the detergent requested a skylight.  As crazy as that was the most logical explanation I could come up with.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Another Chair Makeover

So I’ve accepted the unthinkable reality that I will probably never win a Nobel Prize or make it onto the NY Times Best Sellers list. Ohhhh well. However, I’m still doing my small part in making the world a better place. 

One ugly chair at a time.  

Poor little discarded old chairs...kicked to the curb (literally) by their former owners.  The nerve of those people…

Well...good thing I’m like the Humane Society for chairs. Lots and lots of strays somehow find their way into my garage. Just don’t tell the hubby. He still thinks I have this free-chair-addiction thing under control.

Ha! Ha!

No way…not even close!
Recently I decided that our guest room needed a new chair.  Good thing I have a lot to chose from.  All this guy needed was a few quick coats of white spray paint and a fabric switcheroo.  Voila!  And now I have another recycled chair that I love! love! love!  (And it appears that Ziggy endorses the addition of this chair!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Election Day

These stupid stickers are such peer pressure!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pets or people?

Some days I prefer pets over people. 

Today happens to be one of those days.

Monday, November 7, 2011

FL Redneck!

You might be a redneck if you are the sender of this photo and accompanying text message....

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Got birch?

(Inspiration photo source)
I'm a little obsessed with birch trees.  Probably because I didn't grow up with them.  Palm trees are my normal.  But up here in the good 'ol north pole of Minnesota....birch trees are everywhere!!!  O and I can't even express in words how facinated I am with "christmas trees" growing in people's yards. cool is that to grow your very own christmas tree!! day I was driving along and spotted some fallen birch trees.  Of course I absolutely HAD to have them.  Well they ended up living in our garage for 2 years.   Just waiting.  Then this summer I came across an inspiration photo of stacked wood.  Perfect!

Especially since our fireplace doesn't work anyway.  Well...I'm guessing it would work really well one time but then our whole house would be nothing but a pile of ashes, completely burned to the ground, and we'd be homeless.  And that would super suck!  Therefore...there will be no firing up of that massive box o' bricks around here.

Hummmmmm...if I can't use the fireplace...then I should decorate it!

So I put 'ol miter bob to use and started cutting away.  It took foreverrrrrrrrr to cut all the birch pieces and created a huge mess of the garage.   Ughhhhh...more sawdust...more sweeping...more cleaning.  Such a never-ending battle!  But I was really excited to see the finished product all stacked and lovely in our sorry-excuse-for-a-fireplace.  Until I realized that I wasn't going to have enough birch pieces to finish the project.  Not even close.


Another unfinished project added to my list.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Peak this my peeps

Sneak a peak.  A peep show.  Not the peeping tom kind though.  Well...unless there's a weirdo peeping my windows.  In that case...I apologize.  I'll try to make it to the gym more often.  Or just remember to close all the curtains.

Anyway...I have successfully finished a few of my never-ending-projects.  However, they are still-never-ending-because-I-now-gotta-write-about-em projects.  So my brilliantly lazy self just had a stroke of pure genius. I'll just share some of the in-progress photos.   Truly clever...ehhh???  But it's pretty transparent that I'm just trying to cover up an epic case of laziness. Ya know...'cause I may have spent the last few weekends in my pj's watching movies and football.