Saturday, March 26, 2011

Come here little fishy

In the empty space formerly known as my busy brain, I managed to capture an entertaining thought this week.  It will probably offend some people.  Oh well....I was amused!

It's Lent.  I should give up coffee for Lent.  I'm not Catholic anymore.  I sucked at it.  Catholics don't eat meat on Fridays.  They eat fish instead.  I wonder why they don't consider fish to be meat.  I bet that pisses off the vegetarians.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Console Table

I built a table.
It has a story.
I have writer’s block.
Pictures speak a thousand words.
Let them speak now.

**plans from Ana White**

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo Day 175: WORDS stole my words (3.24.11)

Photo Day 175:  WORDS stole my words (3.24.11)
I’m experiencing the strangest phenomenon this week. My mind is completely blank. An empty room. The frozen tundra. A deserted road. I woke up on Monday and have been pretty much void of all thoughts since then. A few random words will fly through my mind occasionally but for the most part there’s nothing going on upstairs. Seriously.

Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

And I miss my thoughts. Most of them are quite entertaining. However, I don’t miss the traffic jams. Usually I’m thinking about 50 things at once with an endless to-do list. Like one of those digital scrolling ticker screens. I don’t miss that.

Coincidentally, I also started playing “WORDS with friends” on Monday. Gonna have to delete that app as soon as I finish my games-in-progress. I think it’s the culprit. Maybe it uses up too much of my brain power.

Hummmm…I may have just cured insomnia. Play some scrabble, it will clear your brain of all thoughts, you will stare mindlessly into space, and you will fall fast asleep. Like the people getting zapped by Will and Tommy in “Men in Black”. Except minus the disturbing aliens. Ahhh…I love Will Smith. “I am Legend” + Will + pull-ups = L.O.V.E.!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

O' Wee Bit Lucky Leapin’ Leprechauns

Just the thought of all things Irish makes me go totally giddy. Shamrocks and green beer. Lucky leprechauns, rainbows, and pots of gold. And…..blarney! I’m crazy about saying that word, especially in my best Irish accent, which is pretty bad but it still makes me grin from ear to ear! I know…I’m weird. It’s okay…people love me anyway!

And for a girl who loves ‘ol St. Patty’s Day so much, you’d think I’d be in full-swing celebration mode, doing an Irish jig dance all day. But truth be told, most years I usually forget to wear green!

So am I pub-crawling this St. Patty’s Day? Nope.  I mentioned to the hubby that we should spend the evening building a table.  And he agreed!!!  Maybe he already had a few too many green beers at that time...Hummm....

So I’m celebrating all things green by spending some time with the hubby and miter bob!  (Minus the green beers though...miter bob can't handle his liquor and I prefer to keep all my fingers.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photo Day 163: Sew Simple (3.12.11)

Photo Day 163:  Sew Simple (3.12.11)
I'm still working on revamping our guest room.  I've accepted the fact that some things just take time to get done.  No whirlwind 2-day HGTV makeovers happening in my house.  And sometimes I wonder why I'm putting so much effort into the guest room since we don't really have that many guests.  I mean many people have ever thought:

Wow...I would love to spend my vacation time in Minnesota (where it's practically winter year-round)!

When I win the lottery, I'm moving to Minnesota!

I can't wait to retire to Minnesota (so I can shovel snow and break a hip when I slip and fall on the ice)!

So I can't blame friends and family for not beating down our door trying to come visit!  I totally get it.

However, that room really operates as the largest walk-in closet I've ever had in my life...and a spot for the hubby to crash when he's up studying all night.  So it's actually one of the rooms in our house we spend a lot of time in.  Therefore, it must be beautiful.  Or I might go crazy.  And nobody wants that!

Wanted: Sleep!

2am and I’m awake. Oh no!…am I one of those people suffering from the dreaded “i” word…shhh…say it quietly insomnia. That word evokes concern like catching the plaque… what’s wrong – are you anxious/stressed – did something bad happen – what’s going on in your mind….blah, blah, blah. Holy moly! If I don’t have insomnia already, those questions might just cause me to have it! Sheeesh!

Insomnia?  Me?  Nope.

I can't label it the "i" word when I wake up after sleeping for 7 hours.  That's right...7 hours!  So 2am happens when I stupidly go to bed at 7pm like a five-year-old.

Now on to what really has me perplexed...the infomercials on tv in the middle of the night.  Every infomercial is some diet or cleaning product that they promise will change my life forever and I just can't live without...ha! ha!  Maybe I'm too simplistic or took too many marketing classes in college...but isn't it obvious what these people should be advertising?! 


Where are all the infomercials for sleeping pills, lotions, potions, and the like??  If it's sleep related, sell it to all of us watching tv at 2am 'cause I'd pay just about anything to catch a few more zzzzzzzzzz's!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo Day 162: Man up! (3.11.11)

Photo Day 162:  Man up!  (3.11.11) 
Definition of pajamas:  loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging. 

By definition, pajama pants should be worn at home. Especially the flannel ones with crazy animal prints. So why is it that people up here think it’s acceptable to wear them to the mall and restaurants and Target…etc. Like I want to see some grown man walking around town in his flannel fuzzy pink pajama pants!! Ooooothat’s hot! Ummmm…NOooo!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Singin' in the rain

My 10 day weather forecast includes temps in the 40’s and…get this…rain! Halle-freakin’-lujah!!! Imagine me doing my happy dance and bowing to the weather gods! Buh-bye cold, dirty, snowy winter…hello sunshine and spring! This Florida girl needs some serious sunshine and Vitamin D. I’m breaking out the flip-flops as soon as I’m confident my toes won’t get frostbite!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo Day 150: Sunday 2.27.11

Photo Day 150:  Sunday 2.27.11. 
It’s Sams Club people not Disney World!! C’mon…just get the items on your list and move along! Apparently there is a segment of the population around here who feel that a family outing to Sams on a Sunday morning is like spending the day at an amusement park. Just strolling the aisles, ooooing and awwwwing, pointing at the super-sized box of cereal in amazement...and stopping by every free sample station along the way.  Those people should have their membership privileges revoked! bad (not really)....was that my cart that hit you?! sorry about that (not really)...guess I wasn't looking where I was going (yes I was and I was aiming for outta my way or your temper-tantrum-throwing offspring will be next)!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Watch out universe!

Sometimes life happens.  Real life.  The stuff that makes my seams start to unglue...and has buttons popping off my pants for that matter.  And my control-freak self can do nothing about it!  As one of my peeps gets out of the hospital another goes in.  Really universe?! that's how you want to throw down!  There are no words. 

And the next thing I know...I haven't added anything to this blog in 2 weeks, have several half-written posts waiting to be finished, laundry piling up (had to resort to the old towels in the back of the closet in order to find a clean one), no food in the fridge (hello pizza hut....), tighter fitting clothes (thanks pizza hut...), and no motivation to care enough to tackle any of it.

Well...thanks a bunch universe!  I didn't realize that I needed a sucker punch but whatev!  I'll be picking myself up off the ground soon and dusting off the cobwebs so watch out.  I'm coming for ya and will be taking my life back! have been warned!