Monday, January 31, 2011

Photo Day 122: Color me happy

Photo Day 122:  Color me happy.  Happiness is found in a can of paint.  No really I’m serious.  I popped open a new can of paint around 5pm and an hour later all was right again in my world and my worries were gone.   Although, now that I think about it, maybe that was from the paint fumes.  Either way I don’t care! I found peace and happiness in that can of paint!

Photo Day 121: Sweeping the house

Photo Day 121:  Sweeping the house.  This weekend….the hubby participated in a bonspiel.  I did not.  

A bonspiel is a curling tournament, traditionally held outdoors on a frozen loch.  Loch is an Irish/Scottish term for a lake.  Curling is a sport in which players slide stones, called rocks, across the ice toward the house, a circular target marked on the ice...blah blah blah….and the path of the rock may be influenced by sweepers with brooms...blah blah blah…with strategy and teamwork choosing the ideal path and placement….blah blah blah…and it’s considered a distant cousin of shuffleboard… 

Rocks being swept by brooms at the house.  Hummm….sounds to me more like a chore than a sport.  And so not my idea of fun.  No worries – I tried curling once – no need to do it again.  Really folks….shuffleboard on ice…think about it. 

However, I was a supportive wife and watched one game.  Well…watched is a bit of a stretch.  It was more like I saw a few glimpses of the game in between drinks and chatting with friends.  But shhhhh…don’t tell the hubby.  He thinks I didn't miss one nail-biting moment!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo Day 119: Going bananas

Photo Day 119:  Going bananas. 
Recent conversation with the hubby…
Me:  I’m going to the store…you need anything? 
Hubby:  We need more bananas. 

And this morning I noticed that the bananas remaining from the last batch I bought him are now brown. 3 brown bananas. Hummmm…the hubby recently learned that my banana bread recipe calls for 3 brown bananas. Coincidence??? I don’t think so.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photo Day 118: It's why? wednesday

Photo Day 118:  It’s why? wednesday.  Baffled . Perplexed. Stumped. At a loss. For some reason I need to know why or how on just about everything. I’ve always been this way. My parents had to deal with an extra dose of "why is the sky blue" kinda questions.  I'm thinking they contemplated giving me some Benadryl just so I would get sleepy and stop talking for a few hours.  Hummmmm......’s question and observation is this... why is it that the people who are “too busy” seem to have all the time in the world to talk circles around how “busy” they are? Maybe...just maybe...if they spent more time doing and less time talking…they wouldn’t be soooo busy anymore.

Ooooooooo….I see the problem with that logic…then they wouldn't have anything to talk about!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Photo Day 117: The cold truth

Photo Day 117:  The cold truth. Winter has a dirty little secret. What’s the secret? Well…for those of us who did not grow up experiencing all the fun that winter has to offer…ya know months on end of temps below freezing, icy roads, and lots of snow (a few inches every now and again DOES NOT count as snow)…here is the secret. Winter is dirty!! Those car commercials on TV during the holidays with big red bows and the beautiful winter wonderland motif are a bunch of crap!! 

Winter is...
Getting another foot of snow after you just shoveled for an hour...totally undoing all your hard work.  It's roads covered with dirt, sand, salt, and slush which make the car unrecognizable within a day of getting it washed.  It's having to wait for it to warm up past 20 so you can get the car washed.  It's "winterized" washer fluid that freezes on contact with the windshield.  It's patches of yellow snow along the sidewalks.  It's dirt, sand, salt, and slush covering every surface of the ugly industrial rugs inside the mud room ('s called a "mud room" for a reason!)

There you have it.  The secret is out.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Photo Day 116: Grumpy Monday.

Photo Day 116:  Grumpy Monday. 
Overall, I think I'm a generally friendly person. Most of the time. On most days. In other words…I play well in the sandbox. I say please and thank you. I share my toys. I smile and laugh. Sometimes at inappropriate times (hey...nobody's perfect)!

However, I had a startling revelation today...
that person who I am most of the time, ya know, the friendly one....does not exist on Mondays. Nope. Not even an ounce.

Consider yourselves warned.

Photo Day ???? ahhh hell...who knows!

Photo Day ????  ahhh hell...who knows!  I fell off the photo wagon.  And the diet wagon.  And the exercise wagon.  Actually...I secretly JUMPED off the diet wagon and landed smack in the middle of a jar of peanut butter.  Which apparently I love more than chocolate because I can eat a jar of the stuff in a few sittings.  Me...jar of peanut butter...spoon.  Not good.  Definitely not good.  I know...add this to my "I need therapy" list.

Now I'm slowly crawling back onto my wagons. 

On tap for tonight ( not beer) - the "Butts and Gutts" class at the gym.  And lives up to the's as torturous as it sounds.

Hopefully this week I will also be able to figure out what photo day I'm supposed to be on!

NFL Lessons

Yep! I'm that person.  Ya know the one who watches Jersey Shore and all the Real Housewives.  The one who leaves dirty dishes in the sink until I have the time and energy to tackle them.  The one who brings a store bought item to a work potluck when the "expectation" is that everyone bring something homemade. I politically incorrect. And I don't care!!!

So it's only fitting that my newest life lessons are complements of the NFL.  (I love T.O. and Ochocinco....their on-field antics totally amuse me!)  Can I really be that simple-minded?  Yep...afraid so folks!!

Lesson 1:  If you are facing 4th and inches, always go for it.
(Win some lose some but most important is to live without fear and just be willing to take the risk.)

Lesson 2:  Don't let 'em draw you offsides.
(Don't fall for it, don't take the bait, don't comment on things better left unsaid, don't fuel the fire.  Just shut up and don't respond.  Bite your tongue.  Silence is golden.)

This photo is from the archives.  Have I no shame…exploiting my own cat?  Really?!....who does that?  Me.  See…I really am that person!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

And I'm back...

And I'm back... 

See....I am still alive...I even included a recent photo as proof.  I wasn't planning on going "dark" for so long, however, without my partner-in-crime a.k.a. Beau...I lost my blogging mojo.  Hopefully, I'll find it again soon. 

In the meantime, I'm dreaming of spring, warm weather, daylight.  I'm totally over these short days when the sun sleeps in till 8am and goes home at 4pm-ish.  Doesn't exactly lend itself to promoting productivity around our house.  For instance, I still have our christmas tree/decorations up.  Here's hoping that I get around to it before, ummm, thanksgiving!