photos 365

Here's the story of how photos 365 came into existence....

I'm on this new kick to tackle things that I feel will enrich my life and make me a better person, or so I think. I was inspired by reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I love lists, routines, goals, etc - actually.....I probably love the concept of them more than actually sticking to 'em but I can dream. Besides...the thought of being totally organized in an OCD way makes me happy. See - my happiness project is already working! 

Anyway, I have lots of great intentions and a terrible track record of making them happen in a timely manner. (Sorry to those of you that can't get a birthday card from me on time - in my defense, I usually have the card way in advance but can't seem to get it in the mail.) 

Something that has been on my mind for a while is my lack of taking photos. It's quite possible I may not have existed for the last decade because I have so few photos. And photos are supposed to be the "treasured memories" of all people, right? I mean in a fire, people grab their pets and photos. I know we did during a fire in our apt building while living in Washington, DC. It's funny now - we awoke to a 1am real fire alarm - we stuffed the cats into their carriers and grabbed the wedding photos. Then drove to Taco Bell with our cats and wedding pics - waiting until we were cleared to go back home again. Ah......the memories! BUT - I don't think I have even 1 photo of that apartment. So sad - sniff, sniff! 

So as part of my happiness project, I'm going to try my hardest to take 1 photo a day for the next year (Photo Day 1 = 10.1.10). Sort of a documentation of what our lives are like. I will share most of them on my blog just because I find humor in strange things and feel that my family and friends should share in my stupidness!

However, there may be some "missing" days.  It could be that it's a personal photo that I don't want the whole world to see OR I totally missed a photo that day.  365 days of photos are my goal but I'm not perfect!