Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Photo Day 364: Tempting Fate (9.29.11)

Photo Day 364:  Tempting Fate (9.29.11).
Logic says it's only a matter of time before this tree branch finally snaps off and comes tumbling down.  And yet I continue to walk under it every day.  I mean...really...what are the odds that it will actually land on my head??

As I write this sprawled on the concrete sidewalk like a bug hoping someone will come to my rescue and remove this gia-normous tree limb off me.  Not really.  But it would have made for a funny story.

Kinda like being hit by NASA's 6.5 ton satellite that fell out of space and plummeted to earth.  NASA couldn't say for sure where it would land.  But odds were no one would be struck by the falling debris.   In fact, they said I'd have better odds of winning the lottery.  Hummmm...well then...sounds like I just hit the mega millions jackpot 'cause I'm gonna sue the $#!? outta NASA when their satellite lands on my head!

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