Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photo Day 200: Mashed pot-craving! (4.18.11)

Photo Day 200:  Mashed pot-craving! (4.18.11)
A downside to living in a small town in the northern Midwest:  fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and sweet tea are hard to find. And don’t go looking for them at 9pm on a Sunday night. Yep…I should have known better. KFC was our only option. And it was closed!!!

So now I’m boycotting our one and only fried chicken joint! I’m not giving ‘em any more of my dinero. Only problem with this plan…it’s a day later and I still NEED mashed potatoes! Yes those precious carbs are required for my survival. Seriously.

Therefore I had to do the unthinkable. I cooked some spuds myself. Take that…you early-to-bed-KFC!