Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Chicken Little...

Optimist = Glass half full

Pessimist = Glass half empty

Me = Glass half filled

Who cares if it’s full or empty?! What I wanna know….is there more in the fridge?

Anyway…this week I realized that I don’t understand Chicken Little. Chicken Little seems to thrive off bad news. It's as if the possibility of tragedy gives 'ol Little a purpose in life. And if nothing bad is happening at the moment, Chicken Little will create the worst case scenario for everything else.

Seriously…did you know…that a little paper cut on my finger could lead to having my arm amputated. And then the surgeon could make an error and remove the wrong one.  And then I'd end up with no arms!

C’mon Chicken Little...the sky is falling...really????!!!!