Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photo Day 193: Holy furballs (4.11.11)

Photo Day 193:  Holy furballs (4.11.11)
I had a conversation with myself a few days ago.  It went something like this:  Hummmm.  I wonder how long it's been since I washed our duvet cover.  It's probably due for a wash.  Ugh - that's a lot of work.  I think it can wait a while longer. 

Apparently Paris is a gifted mind-reader and was not on board with the lets-wait-to-wash-the-duvet plan!

Monday night 10:30pm. I can’t keep my eyes open another minute.  Time to sleep.  Off to the bedroom I go...

Ooooooohhhhh Noooooooooo! She got us!

Who got what? (a faint yell from his office)

Paris. She got us. Come and look at the bed.
See what YOUR cat did.  Ugh!

Let’s just say there was a furball involved. And she must have eaten right before the furball made it’s presence known on our white bedding. Bonus points to Paris for also including the throw blanket in this furball party. 

Thanks little kitty...I sooooo enjoyed that unexpected load of laundry that I had to do late Monday night!!