Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo Day 175: WORDS stole my words (3.24.11)

Photo Day 175:  WORDS stole my words (3.24.11)
I’m experiencing the strangest phenomenon this week. My mind is completely blank. An empty room. The frozen tundra. A deserted road. I woke up on Monday and have been pretty much void of all thoughts since then. A few random words will fly through my mind occasionally but for the most part there’s nothing going on upstairs. Seriously.

Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

And I miss my thoughts. Most of them are quite entertaining. However, I don’t miss the traffic jams. Usually I’m thinking about 50 things at once with an endless to-do list. Like one of those digital scrolling ticker screens. I don’t miss that.

Coincidentally, I also started playing “WORDS with friends” on Monday. Gonna have to delete that app as soon as I finish my games-in-progress. I think it’s the culprit. Maybe it uses up too much of my brain power.

Hummmm…I may have just cured insomnia. Play some scrabble, it will clear your brain of all thoughts, you will stare mindlessly into space, and you will fall fast asleep. Like the people getting zapped by Will and Tommy in “Men in Black”. Except minus the disturbing aliens. Ahhh…I love Will Smith. “I am Legend” + Will + pull-ups = L.O.V.E.!!!