Thursday, March 10, 2011

Watch out universe!

Sometimes life happens.  Real life.  The stuff that makes my seams start to unglue...and has buttons popping off my pants for that matter.  And my control-freak self can do nothing about it!  As one of my peeps gets out of the hospital another goes in.  Really universe?! that's how you want to throw down!  There are no words. 

And the next thing I know...I haven't added anything to this blog in 2 weeks, have several half-written posts waiting to be finished, laundry piling up (had to resort to the old towels in the back of the closet in order to find a clean one), no food in the fridge (hello pizza hut....), tighter fitting clothes (thanks pizza hut...), and no motivation to care enough to tackle any of it.

Well...thanks a bunch universe!  I didn't realize that I needed a sucker punch but whatev!  I'll be picking myself up off the ground soon and dusting off the cobwebs so watch out.  I'm coming for ya and will be taking my life back! have been warned!