Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Photo Day 16: Wedding Bells

Photo Day 16:  Wedding Bells.  Today we drove to “small town in the middle of nowhere Minnesota” to attend a wedding.  Seriously 3 hours of driving to the middle of nowhere - we past many 'o farm after farm, ventured down a dirt road with rocks a flyin' (so glad I finally washed the car a week ago for the first time in like 6 months 'cause it's nice and dirty again - thank you dirt road...that clean car thing was becoming a burden....ughhhh!)  and finally arrived at this really old church in the middle of a corn field (with a creepy graveyard across the patch of dirt street.) 
But after finally arriving, it was really peaceful and beautiful and picturesque in a small town kinda way.  However, let's keep things in perspective here.....that was during the daytime.  And I'm not a small-town-wilderness-kinda girl.  So if I had been there alone or it had been nighttime, I would have been on the look-out for a serial killer or something...ya know it was the kind of location that Freddy Krueger or Jason would have picked!