Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Kitchen

My first project started out of annoyance and necessity. The kitchen in our house had a free floating stove with no cabinets or counters on either side. Who can cook like that - not me! After shopping for a solution and not finding anything affordable (a kitchen remodel was not an option), I decided I should build something to meet my needs. So I designed 2 pieces which would meet my cooking needs, accommodate the space/heating vents, and neatly house the microwave.'s an old house with lots of character, a.k.a. quirky spacing and inconvenient outlets. So I gotta work with what I've got. Maybe it should be called problem-solving instead of decorating!

Below are pics of the shelves I made for the left side and the microwave cabinet thingy on the right side.  I added granite tile to the tops to make the counter space super usable and easy to clean.  I also painted the artwork above the stove - it was really easy and makes me smile each morning as I stumble toward the coffee pot. 

In case you're wondering, no we did not inherit the kitchen color.  That was actually my choice.  It's crazy and bold and really blue but it's such a cheerful place to be in the middle of winter!  When it's negative 20 outside and snowing and dark at 4pm-ish for months on end - you kinda need a bright space.