Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Coffee Table (part 1)

In many of our moves around the country, we tend to re-purpose different furniture items depending on the space available and our needs at the time.  When we moved to Minnesota, we started using our Pottery Barn bench as a coffee table so we donated the old one.  When moving into our house, the bench came upstairs into the bedroom and we decided to just be coffee table-less.  It’s been kind of freeing not to have one – very clutter free, I must say.  However, I can’t live with one style for long and the hubby put in a request to build him a coffee table.  Hummmmm  - a chance to build something else – oh yeah….I hopped right on that one! 

After coming up with some modified plans, I made a trip after work to my friends at orange to pick up some 2x6’s.  Again, it’s amazing how helpful people are when they see me picking out wood!  This time, I had a customer offer to help me.   I headed home with my $10 pile of wood, excited to start my next project. 

On this one, I decided that based on the quality wood, the table plans, and the overall shape of the table, that I could build it first and sand it later (I so love projects that offer instant results!).  After 3 hours in the garage, my table was built.  Here are some pics of it hanging out in the living room.  I decided that I should live with it for a while prior to putting in the time (sounds like prison, doesn’t it – lol) to sand and finish it. 

I’m still undecided on the finish – do I stain or paint it?  A dark stain to match the other wood?  Maybe - but that’s a lot of dark wood for one room.  Maybe paint it cream like the bed?  I still have left over paint and primer so that would be free and easy.  I can’t decide…..maybe a combination of both – stain the center dark and paint the sides and legs cream!?!?   

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