I’ve wanted a large metal star for a long time - well at least since we took a trip to Austin a few years back. There’s something catchy about that Texas spirit – the whole Texas pride thing and that everything is bigger and better in TX. Gotta appreciate a state with that much arrogance, um, I mean, pride. Those large metal stars remind me of TX and our good times there so I had to have one. However, it never seemed practical to get that star home on the plane. Hummmm...maybe I could stuff the hubby in the overhead bin and strap the star in next to me?? Would the hubby mind?! Large metal star = happy me. And isn't the saying "happy wife, happy life?"
So the other day I came across a metal star. It was 3ft of metal happiness calling my name and totally on sale! Score – I knew it had to come home with me. Welcome to the family = I can’t wait to introduce you to my living room!
The problem: it was kinda orange-ish, well, not kinda but really orange. I was looking for rusted metal like the ones I passed up in TX. Oh well, it’s not like I have a lot of options up here. Good thing for paint (first red spray paint, then copper spray paint, then dry-brush on some brown/black craft paint)!
So here’s my star in all her faux-Texas glory (with a mini-facelift) spending some quality time in our living room. (And yes that's last week's Indy vs Wash game on the TV - didn't you know that decorating and football go hand-in-hand?!)