Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Photo Day 117: The cold truth

Photo Day 117:  The cold truth. Winter has a dirty little secret. What’s the secret? Well…for those of us who did not grow up experiencing all the fun that winter has to offer…ya know months on end of temps below freezing, icy roads, and lots of snow (a few inches every now and again DOES NOT count as snow)…here is the secret. Winter is dirty!! Those car commercials on TV during the holidays with big red bows and the beautiful winter wonderland motif are a bunch of crap!! 

Winter is...
Getting another foot of snow after you just shoveled for an hour...totally undoing all your hard work.  It's roads covered with dirt, sand, salt, and slush which make the car unrecognizable within a day of getting it washed.  It's having to wait for it to warm up past 20 so you can get the car washed.  It's "winterized" washer fluid that freezes on contact with the windshield.  It's patches of yellow snow along the sidewalks.  It's dirt, sand, salt, and slush covering every surface of the ugly industrial rugs inside the mud room ('s called a "mud room" for a reason!)

There you have it.  The secret is out.