Monday, January 24, 2011

NFL Lessons

Yep! I'm that person.  Ya know the one who watches Jersey Shore and all the Real Housewives.  The one who leaves dirty dishes in the sink until I have the time and energy to tackle them.  The one who brings a store bought item to a work potluck when the "expectation" is that everyone bring something homemade. I politically incorrect. And I don't care!!!

So it's only fitting that my newest life lessons are complements of the NFL.  (I love T.O. and Ochocinco....their on-field antics totally amuse me!)  Can I really be that simple-minded?  Yep...afraid so folks!!

Lesson 1:  If you are facing 4th and inches, always go for it.
(Win some lose some but most important is to live without fear and just be willing to take the risk.)

Lesson 2:  Don't let 'em draw you offsides.
(Don't fall for it, don't take the bait, don't comment on things better left unsaid, don't fuel the fire.  Just shut up and don't respond.  Bite your tongue.  Silence is golden.)

This photo is from the archives.  Have I no shame…exploiting my own cat?  Really?!....who does that?  Me.  See…I really am that person!