Saturday, December 3, 2011

Plants on the Move

I was planning to get a goldfish and name it Jaws.  Good thing that never happened.  Even with a name like Jaws...that guy would not have stood a chance against The Little Bads.  Can you say....Sushi?!?! 

And the acquisition of the little bads also required all of our house plants to go into protective custody on top of the TV cabinet. It was the only place I could guarantee their safety from those little mafia members hiding out in our house. 

That is...until now. Their safe house is no longer safe. Their cover has been blown! Zoey finally figured out how to get to them. I really think she has been secretly plotting her attack since day one!

Now I need to sneak my plants into witness protection.  Wonder if Jack Bauer will come out of retirement to help me out?