Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vintage and Modern Girls

I have to confess that my antique store girls were a bit too girly even for me. I love the prints and the frames but just not together. Way too frilly. I'm more of vintage/shabby sheek meets minimalist contemporary modern kinda girl. I know...complete opposites but somehow I find a way to make both styles live together in eclectic harmony. Actually, I force them to get along because there’s no other alternative. And who wants to come home to a brawl going on between vintage and modern. Not me! I love them both - just differently. Kinda like kids I suppose.

Am I really talking about bar fights between design styles? Hummm....it’s way too early. Maybe I should get some more coffee before writing another word. Be right back.

Okay...very caffeinated now...and back to the girly girls. I knew they were destined for our bedroom so this required another trip to Michaels to pick out 2 frames…which normally would be fun but it seriously took me over an hour to decide on which frames to buy. Not so fun but totally worth it in the end because now I love my modern meets vintage girls. (Ignore the ugly sconce in the middle. That’s what I do. I pretend it’s not there. I totally hate it…yep…absolutely hate it but I’m stuck with it for now.)