Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Build me please...

Can you hear it? I do. And it’s kinda annoying when all I want to do is spend an entire weekend on my couch doing absolutely nothing. But no. I can’t. Why? Because my furniture is talking and it just won’t shut up! 

The dresser in our bedroom has been talking since last summer. It keeps telling me to build it a hutch to cover/hide the TV and make it look more like an armoire type of thing.

And our guest room was pretty much done before the ‘ol mattress went missing. So that called for an unexpected and unplanned redesign. And we can’t use the twin mattress we have on our antique full-size bed. So bye bye antique to storage in the basement for you. 

But now the twin bed just won’t shut up about not having, at the very least, a headboard. I know…you’d think the twin bed would just be grateful to be back in use again! Oh well...can't please 'em all!

So after spending way too much time this weekend trying to come up with a “quick fix”, I concluded that I will just have to build another bed.  Now if I can just get my furniture to understand that all building projects are on hold until spring…whenever that decides to show up!