Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Chess Table

According to the hubby, I would be the most perfect wife if I learned to play chess and video games.  To which I asked, "Soooooo you want to be married to a dude?"

Hubby:   What? Huh? NOOOOO.  
Me:  Ohhhhhh...I get it.  YOU want to be married to YOU.
Hubby:  That's not what I said.  You.  Ugh.  Nevermind.

Think before ya speak o' lil're wayyyyy outta your league.

And it's moments like this that make me appreciate every single penny I spent on getting my communications degree.  Totally priceless when communicating with those from the planet Mars!

Anyway...the hubby loves chess...and I love the hubby so I wanted to make him a chess board.  And coincidentally...our small mosaic tile table was due for a makeover.  So I started looking to see how the table was put together.  And once I started dismantling in my head, I knew that another project was getting added to my to-do-to-decorate list.

Somehow these two ideas collided and I created a chess board table.  I replaced the tile top with a precut pine wood 24" round piece that I found at the orange box.  This allowed for a 16" chess board.  I outlined the 2" squares in pencil on the top.
Then painted the alternating squares with white primer.  I taped off the edges of the board and stained the board (including the painted squares) with Jacobean stain.  Then I removed the tape and stained the whole table (including the chess board) with American Chestnut stain.

The stain tinted the painted primer squares to look "aged" and the darker Jacobean provides a contrast between the chess board squares and the stained table.  And I have to say this table is one of my favorite creations!

But...sorry to the hubby...'cause as cute as this table is...I still have no desire to learn anything about the game of chess!

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