Friday, June 24, 2011

Photo Day 266: I'm rusting (6.23.11)

Photo Day 266:  I'm rusting (6.23.11)
This is our 9th straight day of rain. No mud puddle shortages here. And it's cold. Wet, windy, and cold. The first official day of summer kicked off with temps around 45 degrees, 40mph winds, and 100% rain. Wonderful...ehh?

With such extraordinarily fabulous weather (I say that with utmost sarcasm), I am oh-so-NOT-motivated to tackle any of my projects. And now I'm rusty. Darn rain. Wish I was waterproof.

Well it's time to throw caution to the wind and just jump in. Feet first. Sink or swim. Or in my case...sink...then float to the surface. Winter pudginess = human buoy. If swimsuit weather decides to show up then I'll work on rockin' a swimsuit bod. Until that time...bring on the Oreo McFlurries!