The chair.
I tackled this one a while back but then never shared it (
well I kinda did here). Ahhh…the story of my life…a whole bunch of 90% complete projects. Or maybe nothing is
ever 100% complete. Ya know…the whole infinity concept. Maybe 100% is never attainable.
Hummmm…I think I’ll go with that theory since it works for my life!
Anyway...time to meet my friend the chair...
Last summer I became a little obsessed with bringing home stray chairs. Lots of stray chairs. I’d find them at my local free-cycle spot or on the side of the road. And since their former owners didn’t want them anymore and they were free…why not bring them home with me. Great idea at the time…except now I have a large collection of them gathering dust, taking up space in my garage. However, one chair managed to get a makeover and is now living happily in our bedroom.
This little 1970's era beauty (I is a bit of a stretch) was spotted by the curb a few blocks from our house. Knowing my new obsession, the hubby made a u-turn without me even asking. That's love I tell ya! The chair had a great shape to it but was definitely upholstered sometime in the 1970’s. Thick, fuzzy, ‘70s gold fabric.
Yuck. And once I started removing the fabric....
really, really yuck!
The chair put up a good fight but in the end...
I won!!!
Then in true chell-fashion, I decided to tackle making a slip cover for it with no pattern and absolutely no experience. Just some fabric, pins, and my sewing machine.
That's living on the edge! Right up there with sky-diving! Not really but it's my story so
yes sewing without a pattern is risky and life-threatening!
Anyway....I'm happy to report that this on-the-fly project turned out successful (and I lived to tell about it)! It was touch and go there for a while there...especially dismantling that gold luxury upholstery job!
And my rescued chair, with it's mini-makeover, is lookin' fresh and fabulous in our bedroom. Now if only I could find a reason to sit on the thing and actually use it.....