Everything is starting to green up around here. That’s what these northern folks say when referring to the grass and trees sprouting leaves again (a.k.a. spring). (Never mind the fact that it’s the middle of May and the spring season is just starting for us and we will have the heat on in our house until approx the first week of June.) I’m just focusing on the greening up going on everywhere outside. Well everywhere except the winter sidewalk the hubby plowed with our snow blower. It was a great idea at the time. Unless it turns out that we killed the grass. Then it would be bad. Very, very bad.
So I think we need to help our little dead grass sidewalk in its struggling effort to green up. I mentioned to the hubby that maybe aerating that section would help it along. At which point my use of the word aerate totally derailed the hubby from the whole purpose of the conversation.
Who uses vocab like that?!?
(See the public education system in FL isn’t so bad after all!)
C’mon my man...focus! We have dead grass that needs fixing…and fast!
However, my method of accomplishing this aeration doesn’t really live up to the correct professional definition of the word. I asked the hubby to put on his spikey golf shoes and walk all over the dead grass sidewalk. And maybe roll the spikey garden-edger thingy while walking back and forth a million times. That should green it up in no time. I hope.
If not…well hummm…I’m sure we have some green spray paint in the basement…or I bet Home Depot can color match paint to my blades of grass…