Monday, September 5, 2011

Photo Day 337: Drink up little flies (9.2.11)

Photo Day 337:  Drink up little flies (9.2.11)
Fruit flies.  Do these things even have a purpose in life other than to bug me?  (And that "bug" pun was totally accidental!) fruit = no flies.  Fruit in bowl on counter = little gnats taking over my kitchen.  So annoying!  Well thanks to google...there's an easy fix to this fly problem.

Step 1:  Put all the fruit in the fridge.  (That's my solution for all food.  Cereal, pasta, rice.  You name it.  Just store everything in the fridge.)

Step 2:  Set out a glass with some dish soap mixed into apple cider vinegar.  The flies are drawn to drink the sweet vinegar and drown/die ingesting the dish soap.

Seems a bit Dexter-like now that I think about it.  Ya know...this may qualify me as a fruit fly serial killer...hummmm.....but like Dexter I'm just making the world...well my kitchen at least...a better place.