Thursday, June 2, 2011

Photo Day 240: Snow White and 2 Dwarfs (5.28.11)

Photo Day 240:  Snow White and 2 Dwarfs (5.28.11)
Just accept the dwarfs! That’s what I’m telling myself these days. The back of our house dwarfs everything in its presence. Hummmm…note to self…stand next to the house to look skinnier.

Anyway…we use our backdoor 99.9% of the time. Everyone does. The problem is that it’s lacking “architectural interest” as they say on HGTV. A very large white square box with a door and utility uglies running up the side. Not so welcoming. And I think the utility stuff is just screaming “paint me white so I blend in!” I wonder if the utility companies would even allow that? I can just see it now…calling the hubby to bail me out of jail after getting arrested for painting something! And I’m sure my response would be something like “but you have to agree the house looks prettier now…”

However, in an effort to avoid any scenario that would involve me and jail, I opted for some planters with colorful flowers instead. I’m going with the motto of clean and simple since magnificent and perfectly-sized-to-scale is not in the budget. I’m pretty sure we’d have to win the lottery to afford the 12ft or taller trees needed to fill up the space. So dwarfs it is.

And now I will share the joy of having Snow White songs stuck in my head.

Heigh-ho…Heigh-ho…It's home from work we go (whistle)…

Just whistle while you work…