Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bitter Lemonade

Smack! That’s left field pelting me with lemons.

And don’t get me started about making lemonade out of lemons. Hello!...if I wanted lemonade in the first place I would have made some and if all I’ve got is lemons…ummm NO SUGAR…then please explain how those lemons are going to miraculously juice themselves into a sugary beverage. That’s what I thought. They are not. Attention all you optimists: you are full of $#!t !!!!!!! Ooooo…I sound bitter…imagine that! Okay I’ll spell it out for you…lemons are bitter!

Why am I such an angry elf?!?! Because I don’t get to have a 3-legged cat.

As it turns out…Paris really is our lemon kitty. Bone cancer. Treatment = amputate the leg. But it’s already spread to other parts. So she gets to keep all her legs and take them with her. When she goes. Which will be sooner than later. So where’s the lemonade in all that?