Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo Day 150: Sunday 2.27.11

Photo Day 150:  Sunday 2.27.11. 
It’s Sams Club people not Disney World!! C’mon…just get the items on your list and move along! Apparently there is a segment of the population around here who feel that a family outing to Sams on a Sunday morning is like spending the day at an amusement park. Just strolling the aisles, ooooing and awwwwing, pointing at the super-sized box of cereal in amazement...and stopping by every free sample station along the way.  Those people should have their membership privileges revoked! bad (not really)....was that my cart that hit you?! sorry about that (not really)...guess I wasn't looking where I was going (yes I was and I was aiming for outta my way or your temper-tantrum-throwing offspring will be next)!