Friday, June 22, 2012

Moving Sucks!

What d'ya miss?  A whole lotta packing.  More packing.  And still more packing.  Then the joy of loading our never-ending crap into a moving truck, driving it all 3 hours south, and unloading it into our new garage.  Which was supposed to be organized into zones.... but...ummmmmmm...instead turned out to be...a massive cluster f*@#!!!!  Uggghhhh!

But we didn't have time to worry about the mess in our garage...we had less than 1 hour to get to the cable company before they closed.  Good to know we have our priorities in order...ya know....Maslow's hierarchy of needs:  food, clothing, shelter.  I'm pretty sure Maslow intended for cable tv/internet to be included in the shelter part!!

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