Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tech Support?

What’s worse than dealing with tech support…..thinking I’m dealing with tech support only to find out I wasted 20 minutes chatting with some yahoo in the sales department (who by-the-way never bothered to tell me how to contact tech support).


Well…if I do need a new printer…guess who I’m soooo NOT calling!

2:37:49 PM  I have a 1320c dell printer that is giving me error message 091-935

2:38:58 PM  sorry to hear about that, may I ask how long have you had the printer?

2:43:24 PM  At least 2 years. I am unable to find the solution to this error code. I'm trying to find if there is a part I can replace to fix the printer and if so, how much? That will help me determine if this can be fixed or if I need to purchase a new printer.

2:44:03 PM  may I ask no other errors, or anything you have noticed in the printer?

2:44:41 PM  Nothing else appears to be wrong.

2:45:33 PM  when was the last time you replaced the toners for the printer?

2:46:47 PM  Maybe a month or so ago...I only replace each cartridge as they run out.

2:48:38 PM  I see

2:49:08 PM  may I ask what type of warranty did you get for the printer?

2:49:42 PM  none that I know of

2:50:43 PM  I see

2:54:19 PM  Sorry to keep you waiting Michelle

2:57:59 PM  I'm sorry but I only have limited info about the error since I am from the Sales department. However, you can call our technical department that can assist you for the possible diagnosis and repair

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