Photo Day 218: To the loo (5.6.11)
Calories in.
Calories out.
3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound.
What I want to know is who cares how many calories are in just one pound!! C'mon..tell me something useful. Ya know...tell me how I can go to sleep and wake up 20 pounds lighter! Now that would be useful information! Although I'm guessing that it might require some kind of 6 month coma. And the risk/reward analysis on the coma is probably not worth the 20 pounds. But 40 pounds...hummm...maybe. Still pondering that one.
Anyway...I'd like to meet the person who only wants to lose 1 pound. To them I say go eat some Mexican and then go spend some time in the loo. That should do the trick. In fact, you'll probably emerge 2 pounds lighter.
Oh noooo. It appears I have been officially corrupted by the hubby if I'm writing potty humor. Hummmmm....adding this to my I-need-therapy list.
My new food obsession is shredded coleslaw mix. It's better than lettuce in my book. It doesn't get soggy and it lasts forever. And the best part is the cabbage/carrot mix has only 20 calories per 1.5 cups! It's the equivalent of eating air! And that is important to know since I've become a walking calorie encyclopedia. Seriously. Try to stump me. I dare you. I triple dog dare you. How’s that for some confidence in my I-retain-stupid-facts-in-my-brain skills!