Molding hooks are required. Try finding those things in a store! I had to order mine online and the shipping cost way more than the hooks. Ugh!
I had to paint them white because they were gold and silver. Ugh! Ugh! (Some are still not painted. What can I say...I'm a bit impatient at times!)
Attach picture wire to the molding hooks and picture frame. Sounds easy enough. Ummmm no! I had to measure how far the picture would “hang” from the ceiling. And I’m a little vertically challenged at 5’3” so there was a lot of standing on random pieces of furniture and lots of “don’t try this at home” moments!
Hang the frame suspended by the wire from the molding hook, step back and look at it, then realize that it’s not hanging where I wanted it – too high, too low, crooked. Ugh!!!!!!
Undo and redo all the steps again and again and again and again. And don’t get me started on how to successfully hang two frames perfectly level, side-by-side. Seriously…I’d consider trading in this charming, old, cute, character-filled (which really means problem-filled) house for a new generic box of a house (character free)…well if it weren’t for all the work I’ve already put into it. And especially not after spending hours (no kidding…it really was hours) hanging and re-hanging less than a dozen pics.
So doing all the work totally sucked, however, the finished product makes me smile. And that’s what it’s all about…I think?! At least that's what I keep telling myself anyway.