Thursday, February 17, 2011

Picture Purrrrr-fect

My walls will be naked no more!  I scored these 2 vintage framed prints at a local antique store.  I'm still trying to decide where to hang them...maybe our bedroom.  But they are a bit on the girly side. And I don't want the hubby walking into our bedroom feeling like he just joined a tea party filled with 5-year-old girls playing dress up.  Not really the vibe I'm going for in there!

After wondering through the antique store (and loving every minute of it), I was off to Michaels.  Well, after a stop by McD's for a sweet tea.  I'm addicted to the stuff.  Really!  Try'll totally understand!

Okay...back to Michaels.  That place is having the best frame sale ever...50% off all frames and an additional 25% off that price (thanks to the extra coupon in their weekly ad).  Now that's my kinda deal....a $20 frame for $ walls and bank account are both thanking me!

And, apparently, if you buy enough frames, they throw in a free cat!  Gotta love Paris...always right in the middle of whatever I'm doing.  We can almost play where's waldo with her in photos....