Friday, February 25, 2011


Humor is a gift. It can always be found, even in the worst moments, if you dig deep enough. This week I dug a hole to China.

@ hospital
7 broken ribs
cracked sternum
bruised lungs

“So I guess the real question is…did he manage to break another cell phone?”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Photo Day 145: Luge anyone?

Last week, the snow melted during the day and refroze at night.  Melt and freeze.  Melt and freeze.  Melt and freeze. One more time....melt and freeze.  Let's just say it's more than a little slick outside.  Melt and freeze.  Okay...I'll stop saying that now.  Melt and freeze.  Okay...I'll really stop now.

So now I question my intelligence since I decided to try to walk on the path the hubby most brilliantly created earlier this winter with his friend the snow blower. It looked a bit icey but how bad could it really be?!?!

Hummmm….two steps in I was sliding and found myself with my hand firmly implanted into the snow bank. I barely made it out alive.  I no longer think of it as a walking path but our very own luge track!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vintage and Modern Girls

I have to confess that my antique store girls were a bit too girly even for me. I love the prints and the frames but just not together. Way too frilly. I'm more of vintage/shabby sheek meets minimalist contemporary modern kinda girl. I know...complete opposites but somehow I find a way to make both styles live together in eclectic harmony. Actually, I force them to get along because there’s no other alternative. And who wants to come home to a brawl going on between vintage and modern. Not me! I love them both - just differently. Kinda like kids I suppose.

Am I really talking about bar fights between design styles?’s way too early. Maybe I should get some more coffee before writing another word. Be right back.

Okay...very caffeinated now...and back to the girly girls. I knew they were destined for our bedroom so this required another trip to Michaels to pick out 2 frames…which normally would be fun but it seriously took me over an hour to decide on which frames to buy. Not so fun but totally worth it in the end because now I love my modern meets vintage girls. (Ignore the ugly sconce in the middle. That’s what I do. I pretend it’s not there. I totally hate it…yep…absolutely hate it but I’m stuck with it for now.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photo Day 143: Sunday morning breakfast

May I take your order?

Yes please! I’ll have some coffee with a side of paint.

And that is how I started my Sunday. Brewed up some good ‘ol Dunkin Donuts java and grabbed my paint brush. Ahhhhhh…heaven! Now if only there were some actual donuts to go dunkin’ in my coffee…

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Photo Day 141: It melted

Remember Photo Day pretty my box of ice looked...well...not so much anymore.

We have been enjoying some toasty warm days this week...and it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that's not so good for sticks covered in ribbon frozen in a box of ice.

Sooooo...this is what greeted me when I got home from work.  My decorated box of ice melted and the whole thing fell over... lookin' quite a hot mess...sorta like the kids on Jersey Shore.

And what did I do with my pile of sticks and ribbon?  Nothing.  Nada.  Zippo. true procrastinator style...I kept on walkin'...right into my toasty warm house!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Picture Purrrrr-fect

My walls will be naked no more!  I scored these 2 vintage framed prints at a local antique store.  I'm still trying to decide where to hang them...maybe our bedroom.  But they are a bit on the girly side. And I don't want the hubby walking into our bedroom feeling like he just joined a tea party filled with 5-year-old girls playing dress up.  Not really the vibe I'm going for in there!

After wondering through the antique store (and loving every minute of it), I was off to Michaels.  Well, after a stop by McD's for a sweet tea.  I'm addicted to the stuff.  Really!  Try'll totally understand!

Okay...back to Michaels.  That place is having the best frame sale ever...50% off all frames and an additional 25% off that price (thanks to the extra coupon in their weekly ad).  Now that's my kinda deal....a $20 frame for $ walls and bank account are both thanking me!

And, apparently, if you buy enough frames, they throw in a free cat!  Gotta love Paris...always right in the middle of whatever I'm doing.  We can almost play where's waldo with her in photos....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photo Day 136: Unlock me

Photo Day 136:  Unlock me.  Another truly stupid moment.  I laugh just thinking about it now (you know I'm easily amused) and I have to admit that I've done this on more than one occasion. 

I hop outta the car, lock it up, and head toward the house...keys and bags in hand.  As I approach the door, I grab the keys, hit the unlock button, and try to open the house door.  Locked.  Hummmmm.

Last time I checked, the car remote will not unlock the house, which still requires a good 'ol fashion key.  Yep...truly stupid!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Photo Day 135: Window art

Photo Day 135:  Window art.  The windows in the garage have built up a nice layer of ice on the inside. Yes, that's right, I said inside of the garage.  So weird!  I guess it's just another part of living in the 'ol north pole.  Well...gotta work with what ya got right?!? on windows = blank canvas for finger art.  Hey…what can I say...we are easily amused around here!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Photo Day 131: Bad Idea

Photo Day 131:  Bad Idea.  Life really should come with some kind of instruction manual.  And one of the first chapters should say that eating pizza and cookies for breakfast is a really bad idea...really REALLY bad.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Photo Day 125: Groundhog Day

Photo Day 125:  Groundhog Day. 
No shadow = early spring. I’m not really sure how Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow since it was sunny and clear skies. And I know I saw my shadow this morning...but whatever…it’s all political anyway. That furball probably took a bribe to ignore his shadow (his accuracy rating is only about 35%). And coincidently, it seems the airlines needed a news headline to offset their 4900+ cancelled flights today. Perfect time to tell all those stranded passengers to look on the bright side because a furry rodent in PA has declared that winter will be ending soon.

Photo Day 124: Biggest Loser

Photo Day 124:  Biggest Loser.  Why is this show so much more entertaining if I watch it while eating cookies, laying on my couch?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Build me please...

Can you hear it? I do. And it’s kinda annoying when all I want to do is spend an entire weekend on my couch doing absolutely nothing. But no. I can’t. Why? Because my furniture is talking and it just won’t shut up! 

The dresser in our bedroom has been talking since last summer. It keeps telling me to build it a hutch to cover/hide the TV and make it look more like an armoire type of thing.

And our guest room was pretty much done before the ‘ol mattress went missing. So that called for an unexpected and unplanned redesign. And we can’t use the twin mattress we have on our antique full-size bed. So bye bye antique to storage in the basement for you. 

But now the twin bed just won’t shut up about not having, at the very least, a headboard. I know…you’d think the twin bed would just be grateful to be back in use again! Oh well...can't please 'em all!

So after spending way too much time this weekend trying to come up with a “quick fix”, I concluded that I will just have to build another bed.  Now if I can just get my furniture to understand that all building projects are on hold until spring…whenever that decides to show up!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Nightstand

I'm in love.  In love with a can of paint! 

This hand-me-down little nightstand was functional but not my style.  That is until I found the most perfect blue paint for furniture's Observatory by Behr. 

Seriously I'm so in love with the color and how the nightstand looks that I could almost paint every piece of furniture in my house this color.


All blue furniture might be a bit of an over-kill...unless, of course, you are a smurf....not to mention it would be way too much work! 

In the meantime, I'm lovin' the nightstand.  I mean just look at ''s so sweet.  Each time I walk into the room, the nightstand says, "look at cute am I!?!?"

It's also saying, "how about some new knobs?" furniture talks to me...doesn't yours????