Monday, September 10, 2012

Housewife in a Hardware Store

I have stalkers!  They wear aprons, name badges, and exist in the form of hardware store employees.

Stalker #1
Employee:  What can I help you find?
Me:  Nothing, thank you.
Employee:  Are you building something?
Me:  Yes.
Employee:  What exactly?
Me:  A cat scratching/climbing post.
Employee:  O' you can buy that pre-made, we sell those here...have you looked in our pet section?

At which point I politely smile, batt my eyelashes, and think:  OMG WTF!!!!  Please go away before I "accidentally" smack you with this 4x4.  Yes I know I can buy one pre-made.  Yes I looked at them in the pet section.  And yes I'm choosing to build my own.

That's what I get for trying to be Minnesota nice to these stalkers.  Note to self:  try a new tactic when responding next time.

Stalker #2
Employee:  What can I help you find?
Me:  Ummmm...nothing.
Employee:  Are you planning to build something?
Me:  Not really sure.
Employee:  You seem to be a looking at the wood selection pretty intently.  Are you sure there isn't something I can help you with?
Me:  No thank you.  I'm just waiting for the wood to speak to me.
Employee:  O.  

At which point the employee walks away to help another customer.  Wow.  That was easy. 

Stalker #3 (Sees me making a beeline for the exit with nothing in hand and steps into the path between me and the door.)
Employee:   How are you doing today?
Me:  Fine.  Thank you.
Employee:  Is there something I can help you find.
Me:  No.  Thank you.
Employee:  Did you find what you are looking for?
Me:  No.  Not today.
Employee:  What are you looking for?
Me:  Good question.  I don't really know.  Any suggestions?
Employee:  Hummmmmmm???????

At which point the employee is rendered speechless, flashes me a fake smile, and steps aside so I can go on my merry way.  Problem solved.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Howdy Aggie Nation!


REAL Football? 

REAL Tradition?

Implying ownership?

Welcome to the SEC boys!  

The Gator Nation hopes you enjoyed your introduction as much as we did!