Saturday, March 31, 2012

Couch I Miss U!

So realistically I can't be good at everything.  Nobody likes those people anyway.  But how is it that I suck at being a couch potato?!?!

I thought that the couch potato club was all inclusive and didn't discriminate against any one.  Except the club just called and revoked my membership card.

This self-proclaimed expert couch potato didn't really think through her plan too well.  We sold our couch and won't have a replacement for several weeks.  Apparently, to be a proper potato, you have to have a couch.  


Friday, March 23, 2012

Who's bowl is that?

Did our food bowl get an upgrade or is Big Foot coming over for dinner? 

Either as much as you can then run for cover!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Water Vampires!

And this is why we can never have an automatic or touch controlled faucet.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Photo 3.19.12: "Bored" Games

The little bads strike again.  Looks like they decided to play Clue while we were at work.  So who committed this crime....ummm...I'm gonna guess it was Ziggy in the Study with a Candlestick.

What's on tap for tomorrow...Monopoly?  Better hide the cash.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Photo 2.25.12: Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning.

This is a sign that I have wayyyyyyyy too many clothes.

And that I'm going to end up on that hoarder's show if I don't downsize soon!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Photo 2.22.12: Band aids (Plural!)

Yep...that's gonna leave a mark.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...Ziggy!

I hate it when I'm in the path of a kitty on a rampage.  How is it possible that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time twice in the same day?!  And band aids were required both times!

Seriously...that kitty has Freddy Kruger's finger blades.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Snow Stories: The Snow Blower

I found the hubby outside trying to get the snow blower to start.  Sputter.  Sputter.  Sputter.

All the knobs/levers on the correct settings?  Check!
Gas?  Check!
Pre-winter maintenance?  Ummm – not so much.  Crap!!!

Ummmm…this is not lookin’ so good.  The snow drifts covering our entire driveway are a couple of feet high.  If this boy toy doesn’t start, we are going to be shoveling snow for a really, really long time!

Then I spot the electric start button and was informed that it’s never worked in the last 3 years hence having to use the manual pull start.  Hummmm.  Then I spot a 3-prong plug under the button.  Hummmmm.  Maybe it’s just me and maybe the boy toy will blow up (electricity + gas = bad) BUT I’m thinking an electric start button may require ELECTRICTY to work.  And whatta ya know….plugged that bad boy into an extension cord, a few pushes of the start button later, and voila…the snow blower was back in business.  Purr.  Purr.  Purr.  Yep….that’s the sound of my new GIRL toy running.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ziggy's World: We're under attack!

Ziggy spotted snowflakes falling outside the kitchen window.  "Take cover...we're under attack!  There are a million little white aliens falling from the sky."  What?!?! one else thinks their kitty sees snowflakes as tiny aliens????  Hummmm.....

Monday, March 5, 2012

Jelly and ?????

While grocery shopping, we passed the peanut butter aisle.  I mentioned to the hubby that we had jelly but no peanut butter.  Ya know…just in case he was planning on making pb&j’s.  Which is so laughable ‘cause I can’t remember the last time he “cooked”.  So I’m not sure why my brain thought he would randomly want to make a sandwich or why I would voluntarily blurt out that we’re out of peanut butter.  

Hubby:    I’m sure we have peanut butter in the cabinet at home.
Me:    Nope.
Hubby:    Sure we do.  You just bought some.
Me:    That was last Thursday.
Hubby: there's a jar in the cabinet.
Me:    Nope.  I ate it.
Hubby:    ??????? But TODAY is only Tuesday.
Me:    It was a small jar.
Hubby:    You have a problem.
Me:    I know.